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Hover over the mini InBody 770 images to find an explanation.


This is the ID of the client/patient on the InBody Device. Due to POPI act, client information will be kept confidential.

Height and age of the Client/Patient


Body Mass Index: BMI is used as a screening tool for obesity or being overweight. Severe Obesity (BMI of 40 or higher) may raise the risk of severe illness.

Percentage Body Fat: It is better to use PBF over BMI, because two people can have the same BMI but one person has more fat and the other has more muscle. Tracking changes in PBF allows you to focus on actual fat loss, and not just weight loss.


Segmental Lean Mass: This section shows the Lean mass per segment, providing an indication whether there are imbalances between upper and lower segments, as well as the left and right segments. On the righthand side, ECW Ratio is shown per segment. Differences of 0.01 or higher between different segments may be an indication of a circulation issue or edema. Normal ranges are 0.360-0.390.


Segmental Fat: This section shows the distribution of fat per segment, while studies have shown that you can’t “Spot Target” body fat with exercise, this section can be used to encourage clients and give them a more detailed account of the improvements they are making. Normal ranges for Body Fat per segment is between 80-160%.


Visceral Fat Area: This is the area cm 2 of fat that can be found in the abdominal cavity around a number of important organs, such as the liver, kidneys, and intestines. While it is important to have visceral fat to protect the organs, high visceral fat levels are associated with risks of chronic illnesses including diabetes and heart disease. Visceral Fat Area for Females should be between 50-80cm 2 and for Males between 40-70cm 2


InBody Score: This score is based on your overall body composition, influenced by Skeletal Muscle Mass and Fat Mass distribution. The ideal score to aim for is between 70 and 90.


Total Body Water: this consists of Intracellular Water (body water inside cells) and Extracellular Water (body water outside cells).

Protein: Protein is a solid in body cells and is a major component of muscle. It is directly related to Intracellular Water. A lack of protein can be indicative of poor muscle mass / strength. 

Minerals: This value primarily gives an indication of osseous minerals relating to bone density.

Body Fat Mass: Body Fat mass comprises of Subcutaneous Fat (under the skin) and Visceral Fat (around the organs).


Extracellular Water Ratio: This is the ratio of ECW to Total Body Water, if your ECW ratio is above 0.390, this may indicate the presence of Edema.


Phase Angle: This gives an indications or cellular member integrity, or overall cell health. Recommended range is above 4, values lower than 2 could indicate malnutrition, immune deficiency, or other health issues.


Muscle Fat Analysis: This section indicates the ratio of muscle and fat to weight including goals to get your body into the ideal shape. The focus is not on weight but instead to achieve the ideal muscle/fat to weight ration.

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